You’ve probably heard the term energy efficiency or “green” living quite a bit these days. In Pennsylvania and around the country, people are troubled by the high cost of utilities. Do you truly know what it means to be energy efficient? Essentially, it means that you use less energy to accomplish the same job.
You can heat, cool, cook, and wash clothes in the same manner as you always have, but you can use fewer utilities to do so. Appliances and heating/cooling systems are now more efficient than ever before. Not only does it benefit you by bringing you lower utility bills, but it also helps the planet.
Conserving Energy & Saving Our Planet
We don’t often think about the air that we breathe—but we should. You may not see it, but there is a connection between your energy use and the environment. When you use less power, you decrease the volume of pollutants that escape into the atmosphere daily. Additionally, you protect the ecosystems from premature destruction. Taking steps to reduce your energy usage can help you contribute to making our world happier and healthier.
Have you heard the term “greenhouse effect”? It’s a natural wonder that is vital for life here on earth. Power plants burn various things to produce energy. When they set fire to coal and fossil fuels, it puts emissions into the atmosphere. It’s inexpensive to create this vital utility, which is why this has become an essential part of life; sadly, our environment is paying the cost for our lavish lifestyles and modern conveniences.
Carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, among other things, are released into the air during the process. Did you know that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is accountable for the most air pollution? This dangerous gas absorbs the warmth from the sun and seeps heat into the atmosphere. The problem is our atmosphere is trapping too much heat. That is having a detrimental effect on our lives and the planet.
What does all this extra warmth do? Well, it can cause a multitude of problems, such as:
- Heatwaves
- Droughts
- Rising average temperatures
- Erratic weather patterns
- Increase in frequency and intensity of natural disasters
- Smog
- Acid rain
Let’s put it into perspective: if every household in this country traded just one of the old-style incandescent bulbs for an energy-efficient CFL one, it would reduce the pollution in the same magnitude as taking more than 1.3 million cars from the roadways.
Imagine how significant an impact you would have if you increase your energy efficiency on a larger scale?
The Biggest Energy Hog in Your Home
While light bulbs are an excellent place to start, your home’s most significant energy hog is your heating and cooling system. Thankfully, today’s houses are more energy-efficient than ever before. The average heating load is between 60,000 to 80,000btu. More than 40 years ago, the average system was at least 100,000btu. The difference now is that homes are better made and well insulated—but many people still have systems that are not efficient. It means you could save a great deal of money by upgrading, and who doesn’t want to save money?
What are SEER Ratings?
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating divides energy consumption into Watt-hours. These ratings can go anywhere from 13 up to 25. It’s easier to understand by thinking of this number as the miles per gallon your automobile gets: the higher the number, the better the efficiency. Many customers shop by price when looking at the SEER rating and overall energy consumption of a unit first. True: the more efficient systems may cost more in upfront costs, but the savings can more than pay for the equipment in the long term.
Check out our article on SEER ratings to learn more about this important rating factor.
Why Should You be Concerned?
Most households have a budget that they depend on to keep their finances on track. What happens if you get an electric bill that is way above your budgeted amount? Many people in Western Pennsylvania are dealing with this issue right now. With no relief in sight, people want to do anything they can to lower utility bills!
If you are concerned about saving money, you should talk to the professionals at Wade Heating, Cooling, and Geothermal. We install ductless HVAC systems as well as service and repair all units. While that 20-year-old AC system may still be kicking, how much is putting off replacement costing you? Your energy efficiency is way lower than it could be.
Even if you don’t have a new system in the budget, a technician can give you all the facts and show you that you can save money with ductless HVAC systems. Call today to schedule an appointment to have your system evaluated. You may be surprised at how much energy you are wasting.