If you already have a Lennox® ductless system installed in your home or business, you have found that they are one of the best in efficiency, as well as a cost-effective choice when it comes to heating and cooling. You always want to make sure that you keep your system performing at its highest efficiency, and in the best shape possible. With its near-silent operation, it is easy to forget to perform maintenance, but it is imperative to do so. Having a properly-maintained system can help ensure that your ductless air system lasts for many years to come. Here are 8 tips to make maintaining your Lennox® ductless system a breeze:
1. Cleaning
One of the best things that you can do for your ductless system is keep it clean. You want to make sure that your system is free of debris, dust, and other particles which can work their way down into the operating system of your unit. This can lead to major issues, and can even cause the full breakdown of your system. Keeping the system clean is easy. All you need to do is wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth. You also want to make sure that the outdoor vent portion is cleaned frequently.
2. Maintain a Proper Space
Ductless systems need much less space than a traditional system, however they still require room in order to function properly. This means that you should not put any large pieces of furniture or décor around it. You should give your system at least 4 feet all around to make sure that it has room to operate at its peak performance.
3. Turning Your System Off
If you are going to clean, or perform maintenance on your ductless system, you want to make sure that you have the system completely turned off by way of both the circuit switch, and the components of the wall. You also want to allow time for your system to cool once you have turned it off. If you turn it back on before it cools completely, you run the risk of damaging your ductless system.
4. Maintaining Your Filters
Improper maintenance of your air filters can lead to damage to your system, as well as your system not functioning properly, therefore you want to clean your filters frequently. The manual that came with your ductless system will tell you exactly when you should clean your filters. In some cases, it’s as easy as removing the filter, and running under a faucet. Typically, you want to clean your filters every four weeks (or more) depending if you have pets, as well as your personal lifestyle. Filters help protect your home from dust accumulation, and help prevent dirty air and allergens from entering your home.
5. Cleaning the Outdoor Components
You want to make sure that you properly maintain the outdoor unit of your ductless system as well. This means cleaning both the condenser and the coil. Dirt and debris can build up over time, causing your unit to not operate at its highest efficiency, or could possibly even damage the entire system. It’s recommended to keep any plants, weeds, or landscaping away from the outdoor unit to ensure the moving parts are obstruction-free. To clean the components, you want to make sure your system is completely turned off. Once it is off, all you need to do is spray the machine with a regular garden hose. You can then check the fins to make sure that they have not lost their shape. Dust off any final debris with a soft cloth. Allow your system to completely dry before you turn it back on after cleaning. You should add this cleaning ritual to your weekly routine to ensure that your unit is clean and functions properly!
6. Clean the Pipes
The pipes that come from your machine are essential to the functionality of your system. If dirt and debris build up, it could prohibit the system from working. Occasionally, pipes can develop leaks, which will not allow your system to function properly, so it is important to inspect these pipes frequently. A good rule of thumb is to inspect the pipes every time you change your air filters, and If they are dirty, you can clean them then.
7. Protection in the winter months
During the winter months, your ductless system can collect snow and ice on the outdoor component of your system. Snow and ice build-up can cause the system to not work at its fullest capacity. This could increase your electric bill, and may leave your home cold. Make sure that in the event of heavy snow or ice, you go out and clean your system off frequently. Remember to do this gently so you don’t cause any damage to the outside of your system.
8. Hiring a professional
There is a lot you can do on your own to take care of your ductless system, but there are a few things that you could miss, or that you might not be able to take care of yourself. This is when you should consider hiring a professional. Hiring a company that is an expert with ductless systems is imperative. When you search for a company, make sure that you find one with great reviews, and great recommendations. Ductless systems can help you save money, and have a comfortable home at a greatly reduced cost, however, if your system is not maintained properly, you run the risk of having high repair bills, and the possibility of having to replace your entire system. It is important to come up with a routine plan of care to clean and inspect your Lennox® ductless unit, or have regularly scheduled maintenance completed by our trusted ductless professionals.